Zakharevich K-theory

Differential K-theory and its Characters | D. Sullivan,James H. Simons | Лекториум

Pavel Sechin, Morava K-theory pure motives with applications to quadrics

Akhil Mathew - On K(1)-local TR


Charles Weibel

Henry Liu. Multiplicative vertex algebras and wall-crossing in equivariant K-theory, part II

phowadic Hodge Theory and Langlands Correspondence Algebraic Topology

Henry Liu. Multiplicative vertex algebras and wall-crossing in equivariant K-theory, part I

eCHT, Anna Marie Bohmann, 21 April 2022

Baptiste Calmes: Hermitian K-theory of quadratic functors and Karoubi periodicity

Tony Feng - The Galois action on symplectic K-theory

The Nil-Nil theorem in algebraic K-theory

Hans Werner Henn: Resolutions in K(2)-local homotopy theory – old and new

Midwest Topology Seminar, Maria Yakerson, 8 October 2020

Yonatan harpaz : The universal property of topological Hochschild homology

Voevodsky proof of Milnor and Bloch-Kato conjectures - Alexander Merkurjev

David Mehrle Research Summary

Mikhail Bondarko | On the motivic t-structure on DM(k,Q)

eCHT, Nick Kuhn, 28 March 2019

Transversality is Generic (part 3)- Transversality Homotopy Theorem

Allen Yuan - Examples of chromatic redshift

A search for an algebraic equivalence analogue of motivic theories - Eric Friedlander

Grothendieck - Witt Theory

Brooke Shipley: Coalgebras, coTHH, and trace maps